Thursday, June 29, 2006

What sort of gift is singleness?

When talking about singleness it is often referred to as a gift often quoting 1 Corinthians 7:7, however little is done to qualify what sort of gift is singleness. When we understand what sort of gift singleness is we can understand how to view and use our God given gift.

There have been many varied explanations about the gift of singleness, and much of that teaching on singleness has been unduly prejudiced by a secular mindset. In a society where marriage was the norm so teaching on singleness reflected society’s values. In today’s society where marriage is no longer given the precedence it once did and singleness amongst both beliers and non-believers is on the rise people are looking back to the bible to see what the bible actually teaches on this subject. The specific teachings on singleness are 1 Corinthians 7 and Mathew 19: 8-12. The church, at times, continues to retain its misconceptions about singleness and people are often reluctant to see singleness as the bible teaches it. This leaves many people confused about singleness and its place within the community of the church and in their lives. The first main question that occurs is ‘what sort of gift is singleness?’, to answer this is am going to first look at two answers that are often given that are NOT true, then look at where this leaves us and how we can define singleness and its status as a gift.

A gift of celibacy?

One interpretation of 1 Corinthians 7 was that Paul was talking about the gift of celibacy. 1 Corinthians 7 is about sex and marriage, and in that context when Paul talks to those who are not married and calls them to continue in their state of un-marriage he is in fact talking to those who had the gift of celibacy. The gift of celibacy is thought to be a spiritual gift from God little to no desire for sex whatsoever. The teaching on this would be that if you do not have the gift of celibacy then you should seek to marry to avoid falling into sexual sin, i.e. if you cannot control your sex drive then get married.

The first point against teaching a gift of celibacy is that it reduces marriage to legalised sex for Christians. The logic is that if you do not have the gift of celibacy, then you should get married to satisfy the desires of your body, teaching that in today’s sex obsessed culture is very alluring to believers. Marriage becomes primarily a place for the individual to satisfy their sexual desires. Paul’s teachings on marriage however in Ephesians 5: 22-33, puts the purpose of marriage to be the imitation of Christ’s love for the church. It seems odd that Paul would teach marriage as a picture of Christ in one epistle and as a place to satisfy lust in another. Sex is a part of marriage BUT marriage is not all about sex, to see marriage as a place for those who do not have the gift of celibacy to find ‘release’ from all their pent up frustrations would be a misunderstanding of both Paul’s teachings in chapter 7 and on the biblical teachings on marriage.

When we look at the text and who Paul’s addresses in his teaching he directs comments to ‘the married’ and to ‘the unmarried’ and to those thinking about marriage, Paul does not addresses those who have the gift of celibacy instead he addresses groups of people with different marital situations. Paul at no point addresses the celibate, nor makes any reference to a gifting of celibacy in the passage, it would be hard therefore to conclude that Paul in 1 Corinthians 7 is teaching about celibacy.

1 Corinthians 7 is addressing the issues raised about marriage and its place in the culture the Corinthians find themselves in, Paul addresses many different people in different situations and teaching on whether or not they should marry. The reasons Paul gives for people not to marry are purely to do with service to the Lord and Paul never once specifically mentions a gifting of celibacy either as a gift or a reason to stay unmarried. To claim therefore that those who do not have a gift of celibacy should marry is, from the passage, clearly wrong. The passage of 1 Corinthians 7 is instructions to believers, married and not married, on how to look at their present marital status: ‘are you unmarried do not seek a wife, if you do marry you have not sinned... but those who marry will face many troubles in this life and I want to spare you that’(verse 27-28) as such to say Paul is teaching celibacy is the gift mentioned in verse 7 would also be a misunderstanding of the purpose of chapter 7.

Chapter 7 is Paul’s writings to the Corinthian believers on how to live godly lives in a sex worshiping culture. His conclusion is that being single or being married are both gifts that God gives to believers ‘each man has his own gift from God, one has this another that’(vs 7). The chapter as a whole does not define the gifts mentioned in verse 7 beyond married and unmarried and Paul gives his teachings generally to different groups of believers relating to their current marital situation NOT their gifting. To interpret 1 Corinthians 7 as speaking about the gift of celibacy is to both miss the point of the passage and the teaching of Paul to the Church.

A Spiritual gift of Singleness?

Again somewhat related to the previous argument of a gift of celibacy, some argue that singleness is a spiritual gift, one given by God to a few in order that they may be devoted to serving him in various ministries and being spiritually enabled to live in their state of not being married. Again this would lead to the conclusion that ‘if I don’t feel that I have the gift of singleness then I should get married’ or if I can detect no supernatural enablement of being able to live as a single Christian I should get married’. Often in this case decrement of the gift (like celibacy) is based purely on the individuals feelings about being single. Obviously we have a biological makeup that makes us generally tend toward reproduction and for Christians that would mean having to be married, also bearing in mind the amount of hormones that carouse though our bodies will also incline us more towards wanting to have sex and to reproduce. If we base our decrement of our gift on how we feel there is a great deal of danger of in fact having our marital situation dictated by our hormones instead of the word of God!

The main basis for the argument for singleness being a spiritual gift is based on the Greek word Paul uses for Gift Χάρισμα- Charisma. Charisma means ‘gift of grace’. Its root word is Charis, meaning ‘grace’ that is used by Paul most frequently as gift. So in 1 Corinthians 7:7 ‘each man has his own gift from God; one has this another that’. The main case for singleness being a spiritual gift is that the word Charisma is a form of the word used when Paul refers to spiritual gifts: Charismata, Charismaton, Charismartos (being the plural versions of the singular Charisma). All these words have the same meaning, a gift of grace, and many teachers have taken this to mean that as Paul uses the same word he uses to refer to spiritual gifts that singleness can be therefore categorised in the same way.

After extensive study of the Greek the term for spiritual gift occurs in three ways in Paul’s letters.
  1. Where Paul uses the term Charismata to refer to Spiritual gifts he qualifies it by referring to the Holy Spirit. E.g.: Romans 1:11, 1 Corinthians 12:4. Or Paul talks about gifts and uses the term Charismata in a passage where we see from the context that he is teaching about the use of spiritual gifts within the church (e.g. teaching, prophecy tongues etc): Romans 12:6, 1 Corinthians 1:7 and 1 Corinthians 12:31 and 1 timothy 4:11.
  2. Where the term gifts of the spirit is used, the word ‘gift’ is added by the translators to give an English meaning to the passage:
    -1 Corinthians 13:2 the word gift is added in front of prophecy to read in the English ‘gift of prophecy’
    -1 Corinthians 14:1 the word used by Paul is ‘pneumatika’ meaning spiritual and the translators add the word gift to make it read ’spiritual gifts’.
    -1 Corinthians 14:37 where the word used is ‘spiritual man’ the translators add gift to the verse to interpret the Greek as: ‘spiritually gifted’
  3. Lastly the term Charismata referring to spiritual gifts is used in direct reference to the gift of healing, (lit gift of cures) as in: 1 Corinthians 12:9,28,30.

    So where does 1 Corinthians 7:7 fit into these categories? The Greek term for spirit or spiritual is absent, and the context is Paul teaching on sex and marriage in the Corinthian church so it is not under the first point. The word for gift is there in the Greek so it is not added by translators to clarify the spiritual nature of singleness and obviously the passage is not talking about healing. In Paul’s letters the use of the word Charisma in 1 Corinthians 7:7 is both unique and unrelated to the terminology he uses for spiritual gifts. The closet we come is in Romans 1:11 which is the only other passage where Paul uses the term charisma. In this case the Greek literally reads: for I long to see you, that some I may impart gift spiritual. The only other use of the term ‘Charisma’ Paul adds the word spiritual so that his readers may know that he is talking about gifts of the spirit. As all reference to the Holy Spirit or the spritualness of the gift where does that leave 1 Corinthians 7:7? Study of all the Greek words used by Paul in reference to spiritual gifts we can conclude that Singleness is not a spiritual gift, as presented by Paul is not meant to be seen as a spiritual gift the Greek does not hold in the context of Paul's other letters does not support this view.

    Thinking again about singleness being a spiritual gift, if we use the passage of 1 Corinthians 7:7 to infer that singleness to be a spiritual gift we must therefore conclude marriage to be as well: each has his own gift from God, one has this another that. Both gifts are referred to in the same way so therefore how we classify the ‘gift of singleness’ is the way we should classify the ‘gift of marriage’. If someone marries and finds they are struggling does that mean they have the gift of singleness? Does that therefore mean we should encourage them to separate from their spouse in order to fully experience and nurture the God given gift of singleness? Of course not when a person struggles in marriage we encourage them to persevere and hold to what God has given them. There defiantly is a spiritual side to marriage where husband and wife work together to build each other up in the Lord and to work at modelling Christ’s love for the church but to say marriage is a spiritual enabled sate where both partners function without strife or trouble is wishful thinking. It seems therefore strange that this is not the case with singleness? When people struggle the automatic reaction is to encourage them to seek marriage as if that is the ‘cure’ for their problems of being single. If singleness is not a spiritually enabled gift then we should expect that (like all areas of the Christian life) there will be struggles and it will be hard yet it will also have its rewards.

    To say singleness is a spiritual gift has no backing in scripture, experience or logic. It encourages people to look at their feelings and experiences instead of the bible for direction in decrement of their gifts. Teaching singleness as a spiritual gift will mean many will reject singleness and its benefits and blessing in favour of seeking marriage, which is an attitude that brings many problems. When we see singleness as not some spiritually enabled state we can then realise that despite how we fell about it or how we cope living as a single it does not affect whether or not we have the gift.

    What sort of Gift is singleness?

Paul is talking about marriage and sex in 1 Corinthians 7, he is answering: ‘the matters you wrote about’ (1 Corinthians 7:1), the questions are based around the matters facing the church in Corinth in the 1st century A.D., probably the cult of aprophdite and the immense sexual immorality that faced them. Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians is not about the purpose and meaning marriage but how the Corinthian believers should relate to the sex worshiping culture and to each other in either marriage or being single. Paul clearly teaches in verse2-4 that sex is between one man and one woman in the context of marriage. The rest of the passage is concerned with the various situations that the believers find themselves in; un-married, widows, young women etc. Paul’s main point is to hold up the sanctity of marriage so that those married to unbelieving partners do not get devoiced (vs 12-16) and also to promote the state of not being married as an option available (and to be encouraged) to believers in which they can have the freedom to serve the Lord: ‘I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs- how he can please the Lord’. (1 Corinthians 7:31).

It is surprising to note out of marriage and singleness the new testament encourages believers to pursue singleness, Paul actively encourages the unmarried believers to stay unmarried:

  1. I wish all men were as I am. But each one has his own gift from God, one has this gift another has that. To the unmarried and widows I say: it is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. Vs 7-8

  2. nether the less each one should retain the place in Life that the Lord assigned to him and to which the Lord has called him. Vs 17

  3. Now about virgins... I think it is good for you to stay as you are, are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried do not look for a wife. But if you do marry you have not sinned. Vs 25-27

  4. I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs- how he can please the Lord. But a married man is concerned about the interests of this world- how he may please his wife. His interests are divided. I am saying this for your own good not to restrict you but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord. Vs 32-33 & 35

  5. So then he who marries the virgin does right, he who does not marry her does even better. Vs 38

  6. ... others have renounced marriage for the kingdom of heaven. The one who can should accept this. Matthew 19:12

Paul encourages believers who are not married to stay that way. If Paul were talking about the gift of celibacy or a spiritual gift of singleness then he would give these specific commands to those with that gift to use it and remain single for the service of God. To apply these teachings generally to unmarried believers who did not posses either a spiritual gifting of singleness or celibacy would be unreasonable. However that is not the case, instead he gives these commands to all the unmarried believers, that they should seek to remain unmarried in order to better serve and devote themselves to the Lord. These general teachings addressed to those believers who are unmarried show that the gift Paul is talking about in vs 7 is the gift of being in the state of being unmarried or better known as singleness.

What is the gift of singleness therefore? It is according to Paul not being married. How do I know if I have the gift of singleness? ... are you unmarried, if so then congratulations you have the gift of singleness. Paul makes no attempt to classify singleness as a spiritually enabled state, you do not have to spend hours soul searching in prayer and fasting for a revelation of your gifting; it is simply as you are in both being and circumstance. Singleness is a gift given by God, for you and is determined by your circumstance, are you single, then you have the gift of singleness are you married then you have the gift of marriage.

Singleness and marriage should be seen as general gifts that God gives to his people, the phase Paul uses is ‘. But each one has his own gift from God, one has this gift another has that’ this is very inclusive, it means that everyone has a gifting from God in relation to being single or married. God hasn’t forgotten you when he was handing out the gifts, each one has this means you where you are at this precise minute is how God wants you to be. If your unmarried that is the gift God has given you, if you are married that is the gift God has given you, one has this gift another that. God is very generous, he gifts us all in many and different ways: ‘the gift we have from God referred to in 1 Corinthians 7 is our life situation- our total selves and the context in which we are placed’ (John Richardson)

Singleness and marriage are both gifts from God for his church, they are mutually exclusive that is to say at any one time you have either or (you are single or married) and that is determined by your marital status. The gifts are both different and have different benefits and struggles but are both biblically valued. What does this mean then? If we want to be truly ‘evangelical’ then we need to look beyond our culture and Old Testament mindset to see what the bible tells us about singleness. When we see Gods wonderful giftings to his church we can help and encourage each other in our walks in either singleness or marriage as valued and complete members of our church communities recognising our identity is not in our marital status but the cross and our giftings are wonderful gifts God has given to us.

Further Reading:

JOHN RICHARDSON: God sex and marriage; guidance from 1 corinthians 7 (Matthias Press 1995)
AL HSU The single issue (IVP 1998)
KIRSTIN AUNE Single women: challenge to the evangelical church (Authentic 2006)


At 2:10 AM, Blogger Josh Justice said...

This is an excellent post that does justice to the text very well. Check out my blog post for how what you said relates to redefining the word "celibacy." I think the misunderstandings you're talking about here are actually part of the reason that the church is uninterested in celibacy. So thanks for bringing this to light!

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Jonny:) said...

I think my aim was to combat wrong thoughts that are around about there bwing a "spritual gift" of celebacy (or a spritual gift of singleness for that matter)

hopefuly later i will expand on areas about the gift itself.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Steph said...

Whoa...that's a mighty long post.
Anyway, just want to thank you for commenting on my blog. Glad that you found the song :D

God Bless.

At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry jonny, if celibacy is not a gift, then singleness isn't either.

As you say that "Paul never once specifically mentions a gifting of celibacy either as a gift or a reason to stay unmarried", you must then also say the same thing about singleness. Nowhere in the Bible is there any mention of "the gift of singleness".

The reading of 1Cor7:7 as "God gives to some the gift of marriage and some the gift of singleness" is entirely modern, first appearing in the Living Bible in the early 70's, most likely as a protestant attempt to mitigate the Catholic notion of "the gift of celibacy".

Gordon Fee says that in the first half of the verse "I would have it that all men be as I am", no one knows whether Paul was referring to singleness or celibacy. The second half of the verse reads "however, each has been given their IDIOS CHARISMA of God, HOS MEN HOUTO DE HOS HOUTO. You are right that the charisma in question is not a spiritual gift (nor is there any such thing as spiritually enabled celibacy or singleness), but what you miss is that in using the Greek word "IDIOS", Paul was referring to an IDIOSYNCRATIC grace gift, accentuated in a Greek phrase used right to this day: "hos men houto...", which means "some in one manner, some in another" (and another, and another...ask any Greek speaker). It's not "this or that" as in either one of two things, as in marriage or singleness, he's being NON-SPECIFIC.

In 1Cor7:7, Paul was essentially stating his own preference and making an aside to the uniqueness of how we are gifted. However Paul may have been gifted, he probably didn't quite understand it himself! But he did not even remotely suggest anywhere in Corinthians that God gives some the GOS and others marriage. Btw- verse 17 is not considered a strong argument and most scholars look very much historically at 1Cor7, a passage that advises the Corinthians to "stay as you are"--also in matters of circumcision v. 18 and slavery! v. 21-- for the sake of "the present distress" v.26.

Unfortunately, on the heels of the Living Bible's mistranslation of 1Cor7:7, the GOS was picked up by the reams of Christian singleness pundits giving bad advice late last century who used it as a ambiguious catchphrase meaning anything from "called to singleness" (as in "gifted at or good at being single" or even "told by God to be single") or your idea that if you are single, then God wants you to be single as if that's his gift to you as any "life situation" in which you end up (Debbie Maken calls this "outcome based theology" and I agree with her that it's wrong. It's like cruelling saying to someone dying of starvation caused by a corrupt government that it's "God's plan for your life"). Sorry jonny, but you don't know God's will or plan for anyone's life, even your own.

So much damage has come about because of calling singleness a gift, I don't know where to begin. Read Ellen Varughese's "The Freedom to Marry" that poignantly tells of perrennial singles who worry they have been called to singleness and that God doesn't want them to marry all because of how these verses have been used and abused. It's incredible to think of the guilt and inhibition it has created in the most earnest of believers, because "if it's 'better to be single'" then that's what I should do, even if I don't want to, and if I don't want to, what kind of lousy Christian am I?"

If you want to stay single, jonny, then that's your perogative. The Bible almost always (with the exception of Jeremiah and Hosea) talks about marriage and singleness in terms of personal volition. In this regard, Maken is wrong in her mandatory marriage stance. Paul says either way, you do not sin, and points out some of the advantages to singleness, in regards to God's work and being spared of grief and loss. Indeed, singleness is a good and godly option. But too much damage has been done by the term "the gift of singleness" to make it worth saving, however well-intentioned your efforts to refresh the meaning of it. Let's just send it to the Christian cliche trash heap.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Jonny:) said...

Hi Anon, (got another handel?)

Paul clearly uses the word gift. His contex is being married or unmarried. So the state of being married or unmarried is a gift.

let me justt clarify. I was trying to show that being married or unmarried is a gift. I am NOT saying that the state is permanite (although the sanctitiy of marrage should be respected).

So you may be unmarried now but get married later. But whilst your unmarried you should seek to recoginse for that moment of time you have been so gifted and seek to use the gift to God's glory.

SO whilst a person is single, that is God's gift to them, when they get married that becomes god's gift to them.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Göran Koch-Swahne said...

Nice to see a blog which actually engages with the Biblical texts!

However, I have a few remarks ;=)

"It seems odd that Paul would teach marriage as a picture of Christ in one epistle and as a place to satisfy lust in another."

Certainly, and the answer is that Ephesians is not by Paul but deutero-Pauline, probably written as a theological tract quoting all authentic (that is not the two Thess or the mid 2nd century Pastorals) letters known (which does not include Romans - probably found by Marcion when in Rome, and somewhat added to in his own edition, the 2nd, of the Letters) at Ephesus at the time of the redacting (shortening) and editing of the Letters, around the year 100.

Bishop Onésimos (the runaway slave from the letter to Filémon) is suspected to have been that editor.

(note that the late modern pro slavery reading of 1 Cor 7:21 is incompatible with the letter to Filémon).

Paul's words "remain as I" is either being a widower or divorced.

Present 1 Cor in reality is the 3rd and 2nd preserved of several letters to the Corinthian congregation, todays 2nd Cor being the earliest (of the 3 preserved).

So, lets cross-read:

In 1 Cor 9:5 Paul is married defending his right to bring along (as the other apostles and especially Peter), and at the expence of the visited congregations, a wife who is a "sister", that is who is a Christian.

But - being a Rabbi - he probably had a Jewish wife from the beginning; an endogamous one, that is a cousin, a Bat Benjamin, but in 1 Cor 7:8 he is single (that is NOT "celibate", un-married, which came with Lateran II in 1139).

(The first un-married Rabbi lived after Paul's days, in the early 2nd century).

Now, by Ezraism (which is what is critizised by Jesus and the other fellas) divorce was m a n d a t o r y if one of the spouses had a different religion/ethnicity from the Ezraic "reformers" (precisely what Paul rejects in 7:12-17), cf Ezra 10.

To conclude, whatever "gifts" or conditions Paul is talking about here (and remember that he - with the exeption of original Romans - is writing real letters to real living persons, not theoretical treatises) are accidental, temporary.

Also remember, that Paul's thought frame is his firm belief in an imminent eschatology; the swift "return" or visibility of Christ (cf 1 Thess).


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