Sunday, April 30, 2006


THE HOLY VOCATION OF SINGLENESS (journal for biblical manhood and womanhood vol 5:2)
John Chapman

A short article but again concise. Chapman deals with the issue of Kingdom perspective we so often lack in regards to singleness. “We need to remind ourselves that now, in the world, the extension of the Kingdom of God and the spread of the Gospel are our highest priorities. When we take our place in the New Creation there will be time and
opportunity to pursue everything that is good.” Again essential to understanding singleness is the need to understand the cross and its implications on our lives now and in eternity.

Chapman also addresses the issues of ministry, with singleness comes the time and ability to devote ourselves to “the affairs of the Lord”. He also desires to put forward the balance between singleness and marriage, both being gifts of equal value. The role of Church in a single Christians life is also shown to be vital, if we need community and have no “biological” family we need to spend time with our spiritual family. Ending with a challenge to the church for respect and incorporating to singles in their congregations.

GIFT OF SINGLENESS? YOUR NOT SERRIOUS? (journal for biblical manhood and womanhood vol 5:2))
Kirstiy Birkett and Lois Hagger

Again another short but concise journal article. The aim of this piece is to examine reasons for staying single in the light of 1 Corinthians 7. It starts with a brief look at secular culture, that makes an idol of sex and how that thinking can subconsciously enter our mindset: I am not complete unless I am having sex, hang on I’m a Christian, to have sex I must be married, so therefore I need to get married. That might sound ridiculous, but think on it. It encourages people to use their singleness to devote themselves to God’s work. It looks at misconceptions of marriage and compares them to the freedom of singleness, and the need for first and foremost for a relationship with God.

It does end with a challenge. There is a call for people to examine the reasons why they want to marry, are they the same as what the bible teaches on marriage? Do we desire marriage for the building up of our partners in Christ and to model Christ’s love for his Church? Or do we desire marriage for other reasons? Also it gives a case to examine our singleness, are we choosing to stay single to serve God? Or to enjoy our freedom in a selfish way?


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