Sunday, April 30, 2006


Josh Harris
Also known as “not even a hint”, this is a book on purity. Aimed at both men and women (although I think it relates more to men) the aim is liberate you from the lies of lust. “lust ruins our relationships, robs us of spiritual passion and leaves us feeling hollow”. Be warned this book has a high squirmish factor, it will challenge and it will convict.

The book is divided into three sections, the first is the foundation of the teaching on lust. First, why is lust a problem, what does it do to us, second looking at the creation, what is part of our human makeup and what of our sinful natures. Then most importantly looking at how to find the power to change. The message is “you can’t save yourself”, how true, whatever steps, approaches, plans etc you put into place won’t solve your problems, you need God. Looking at our freedom from sin and our need for the holy sprit in our lives “that teaches us to say ‘no’ to all ungodliness and worldly passions” (Titus 2:11)

After laying the framework and showing that we must seek God’s help in whatever we do to fight lust, Harris moves on to look at issues we battle with in regards to lust: where are we weakest (a more self analyzing chapter), Gender differences and how we can help each other as brothers and sisters, Masturbation, temptations of the media. All honest and very provoking. After that he looks at how to deal long term with lust, specifically accountability groups, using the sword of the spirit/ how can the truth help me defeat the lies. Lastly with a conclusion and a call to persevere in your struggles, fighting lust is a battle, sometimes we’re winning, sometimes we’re on the back foot, he encourages us not to give up.
Like most of Harris’ writing this is very warm and biblical and relates well to the reader. Most criticize his work for being too extreme or legalistic, I haven’t heard that comment leveled at this book, so even if you dislike Harris this book is still for you! Lust can be a barrier between us and God, if we seek satisfaction elsewhere than him that will hinder our relationship, for singles lust is a problem we face (just as married Christians also face lust), if your struggling in this area I do recommend this book, read and act on it!


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